Source code for thutils.common

# encoding: utf-8

@author: Tsuyoshi Hombashi

from __future__ import with_statement
import os.path
import re
import sys

import six

from thutils.logger import logger

# Attribute Name ---


# Regular Expression ---

RE_SPACE = re.compile("[\s]+")

# class ---

[docs]class NotInstallError(Exception): pass
[docs]class BaseObject(object):
def __init__(self): pass def to_string(self): return "%s: %s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, dump_dict(self.__dict__)) def debug(self, message=""): logger.debug("%s: %s %s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, message, dump_dict(self.__dict__)))
[docs]class MinMaxObject(BaseObject):
@property def min_value(self): return self.__min_value @property def max_value(self): return self.__max_value def __init__(self): self.__min_value = None self.__max_value = None def diff(self): return self.max_value - self.min_value def average(self): return (self.max_value + self.min_value) * 0.5 def update(self, value): if self.__min_value is None: self.__min_value = value else: self.__min_value = min(self.__min_value, value) if self.__max_value is None: self.__max_value = value else: self.__max_value = max(self.__max_value, value) # function ---
[docs]def is_integer(value): if isinstance(value, six.integer_types): return not isinstance(value, bool) try: int(value) except: return False if isinstance(value, float): return False #text = str(value).strip() # if"[.]|e-", text) is not None: # return False return True
[docs]def is_hex(value): try: int(value, 16) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return True
[docs]def is_float(value): if any([isinstance(value, float), value == float("inf")]): return True if isinstance(value, bool): return False try: work = float(value) if work == float("inf"): return False except: return False return True
[docs]def is_nan(value): return value != value
[docs]def is_empty_string(value): try: return len(value.strip()) == 0 except AttributeError: return True
[docs]def is_not_empty_string(value): """ 空白文字(\0, \t, \n)を除いた文字数が0より大きければTrueを返す """ try: return len(value.strip()) > 0 except AttributeError: return False
def _is_list(value): return isinstance(value, list) def _is_tuple(value): return isinstance(value, tuple)
[docs]def is_list_or_tuple(value): return any([_is_list(value), _is_tuple(value)])
def is_empty_list_or_tuple(value): return value is None or (_is_list(value) and len(value) == 0)
[docs]def is_empty_list_or_tuple(value): return value is None or (is_list_or_tuple(value) and len(value) == 0)
[docs]def is_not_empty_list_or_tuple(value): return is_list_or_tuple(value) and len(value) > 0
[docs]def safe_division(dividend, divisor): """ :return: nan: invalid arguments :rtype: float """ try: divisor = float(divisor) dividend = float(dividend) except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): return float("nan") try: return dividend / divisor except (ZeroDivisionError): return float("nan")
[docs]def get_list_item(input_list, index): if not is_integer(index): return None list_size = len(input_list) if not (0 <= index < list_size): message = "out of index: list=%s, size=%d, index=%s" % ( input_list, list_size, str(index)) #raise IndexError(message) logger.debug(message) return None try: return input_list[index] except TypeError: return None
[docs]def get_integer_digit(value): import math abs_value = abs(float(value)) if abs_value == 0: return 1 return max(1, int(math.log10(abs_value) + 1.0))
def _get_decimal_places(value, integer_digits): import math from collections import namedtuple from six.moves import range float_digit_len = 0 if is_integer(value): abs_value = abs(int(value)) else: abs_value = abs(float(value)) text_value = str(abs_value) float_text = 0 if text_value.find(".") != -1: float_text = text_value.split(".")[1] float_digit_len = len(float_text) elif text_value.find("e-") != -1: float_text = text_value.split("e-")[1] float_digit_len = int(float_text) - 1 Threshold = namedtuple("Threshold", "pow digit_len") upper_threshold = Threshold(pow=-2, digit_len=6) min_digit_len = 1 treshold_list = [ Threshold(upper_threshold.pow + i, upper_threshold.digit_len - i) for i, _ in enumerate(range(upper_threshold.digit_len, min_digit_len - 1, -1)) ] abs_digit = min_digit_len for treshold in treshold_list: if abs_value < math.pow(10, treshold.pow): abs_digit = treshold.digit_len break return min(abs_digit, float_digit_len)
[docs]def get_number_of_digit(value): try: integer_digits = get_integer_digit(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): integer_digits = float("nan") try: decimal_places = _get_decimal_places(value, integer_digits) except (ValueError, TypeError): decimal_places = float("nan") return (integer_digits, decimal_places)
[docs]def get_text_len(text): try: return len(str(text)) except UnicodeEncodeError: return len(text) except: return 0
[docs]def removeItemFromList(item_list, item): is_remove = False if item in item_list: item_list.remove(item) is_remove = True return is_remove
[docs]def removeListFromList(input_list, remove_list): for remove_item in remove_list: removeItemFromList(input_list, remove_item)
[docs]def convert_value(value): if is_integer(value): value = int(value) elif is_float(value): value = float(value) return value
[docs]def diffItemList(item_list, remove_list):
# return list(set(item_list).difference(set(remove_list))) work_list = list(item_list) for remove_item in remove_list: removeItemFromList(work_list, remove_item) return work_list def _unit_to_byte(unit, kilo_size): if kilo_size not in [1000, 1024]: raise ValueError("invalid kilo size: " + str(kilo_size)) re_exp_pair_list = [ [re.compile("^b$", re.IGNORECASE), 0], [re.compile("^k$", re.IGNORECASE), 1], [re.compile("^m$", re.IGNORECASE), 2], [re.compile("^g$", re.IGNORECASE), 3], [re.compile("^t$", re.IGNORECASE), 4], [re.compile("^p$", re.IGNORECASE), 5], ] for re_exp_pair in re_exp_pair_list: re_pattern, exp = re_exp_pair if return kilo_size ** exp raise ValueError("unknown unit: %s" % (unit))
[docs]def humanreadable_to_byte(readable_size, kilo_size=1024): """ :param str: readable_size. human readable size (bytes). e.g. 256 M :param int: size of kilo. 1024 or 1000 :raises: ValueError """ size = readable_size[:-1] unit = readable_size[-1] size = float(size) unit = unit.lower() if size < 0: raise ValueError("minus size") coefficient = _unit_to_byte(unit, kilo_size) return size * coefficient
[docs]def humanreadable_to_kb(readable_size): return humanreadable_to_byte(readable_size) / 1024
def _get_unit(byte): kilo = 1024 unit_pair_list = [ [kilo ** 5, "PB"], [kilo ** 4, "TB"], [kilo ** 3, "GB"], [kilo ** 2, "MB"], [kilo ** 1, "KB"], ] for unit_pair in unit_pair_list: unit_byte, unit_name = unit_pair if byte >= unit_byte: return unit_byte, unit_name return 1, "B"
[docs]def bytes_to_humanreadable(byte): byte = int(byte) if byte < 0: raise ValueError("argument must be greatar than 0") divisor, unit = _get_unit(byte) if (byte % divisor) == 0 and byte >= 1: value = str(int(byte / divisor)) else: value = str(safe_division(byte, divisor)) return value + " " + unit
[docs]def strtobool_wrapper(value): """ try: import distutils.util return bool(distutils.util.strtobool(value)) except ImportError: """ re_true = re.compile("^true$", re.IGNORECASE) re_false = re.compile("^false$", re.IGNORECASE) if re_true.match(value): return True if re_false.match(value): return False raise ValueError("can not convert '%s' to bool" % (value))
[docs]def split_line_list( line_list, re_line_separator=re.compile("^$"), is_include_matched_line=False, is_strip=True): block_list = [] block = [] for line in line_list: if is_strip: line = line.strip() if if len(block) > 0: block_list.append(block) block = [] if is_include_matched_line: block.append(line) continue block.append(line) if len(block) > 0: block_list.append(block) return block_list
[docs]def is_install_command(command): import subprocess import platform if platform.system() != "Linux": return True search_command = "type " + command.split()[0] proc = subprocess.Popen( search_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) is_command_found = proc.wait() == 0 if not is_command_found: logger.debug("'%s' command not found" % (command)) return is_command_found
[docs]def verify_install_command(command_list): not_installed_command_list = [] for command in command_list: if not is_install_command(command): not_installed_command_list.append(command) if len(not_installed_command_list) > 0: message = "command not found: %s" % ( ", ".join(not_installed_command_list)) raise NotInstallError(message) logger.debug("required commands are installed: " + ", ".join(command_list))
[docs]def command_to_filename(command, suffix=""): import thutils.gfile as gfile sep_char = "/\\" command = command.strip() filename = command.replace(" ", "_") filename = filename.replace("-", "") filename = filename.strip(sep_char).lstrip(sep_char) filename = re.sub("[%s]" % re.escape("/\\"), "-", filename) filename = gfile.sanitize_file_name(filename) if is_not_empty_string(suffix): filename += "_" + suffix return filename
[docs]def compare_version(lhs_version, rhs_version): """ <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> 形式のバージョン文字列を比較する。 :return: 0<: LHSがRHSより小さい 0: LHS == RHS 0>: LHSがRHSより大きい :rtype: int """ lhs_major, lhs_minor, lhs_revision = [ int(v) for v in lhs_version.split(".")] rhs_major, rhs_minor, rhs_revision = [ int(v) for v in rhs_version.split(".")] if lhs_major < rhs_major: return -1 elif lhs_major > rhs_major: return 1 if lhs_minor < rhs_minor: return -1 elif lhs_minor > rhs_minor: return 1 if lhs_revision < rhs_revision: return -1 elif lhs_revision > rhs_revision: return 1 return 0
[docs]def get_execution_command(): def get_arg_text(): arg_list = [] for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if is_integer(arg): arg_list.append(arg) continue if arg = "'%s'" % (arg) arg_list.append(arg) return " ".join(arg_list) return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + " " + get_arg_text()
[docs]def sleep_wrapper(sleep_second, dry_run=False): import time if sleep_second == float("inf"): # Process to maintain consistency between OS # linux: raise IOError # windows: raise OverflowError raise OverflowError("sleep length is too large") if is_nan(sleep_second): # Process to maintain consistency between OS # linux: raise IOError # windows: not raise exception raise IOError("Invalid argument") sleep_second = float(sleep_second) if sleep_second <= 0: logger.debug("skip sleep") return 0 if dry_run: logger.debug("dry-run: skip sleep") return 0 logger.debug("sleep %f seconds" % (sleep_second)) time.sleep(sleep_second) return sleep_second
[docs]def get_var_name(var, symboltable): for name, v in six.iteritems(symboltable): if id(v) == id(var): return name
[docs]def dump_dict(dict_input, indent=4): """ 辞書型変数を文字列に変換して返す """ dict_work = dict(dict_input) """ for key, value in six.iteritems(dict_input): if any([f(value) for f in (is_float, isDict, is_list_or_tuple)]): dict_work[key] = value continue try: dict_work[key] = str(value) except: dict_work[key] = str(type(value)) dict_work[key] = _convert_dump_dict(value) """ try: import json return json.dumps(dict_work, sort_keys=True, indent=indent) except ImportError: pass try: import simplejson as json return json.dumps(dict_work, sort_keys=True, indent=indent) except ImportError: pass logger.error("failed to import json library") try: import pprint return pprint.pformat(dict_work, indent=indent) except ImportError: pass return str(dict_work)
[docs]def debug_dict(dict_input, symbol_table, convert_func=dump_dict): logger.debug("%s keys=%d %s" % ( get_var_name(dict_input, symbol_table), len(dict_input), convert_func(dict_input)))