Source code for thutils.subprocwrapper

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@author: Tsuyoshi Hombashi

import errno
import logging
import os
import platform
import subprocess

from thutils.logger import logger

[docs]class SubprocessWrapper(object):
@property def dry_run(self): return self.__dry_run def __init__(self, dry_run=False): self.__dry_run = dry_run self.is_show_timestamp = False self.command_log_level = logging.DEBUG def __show_command(self, command): import datetime log_level = logging.getLogger('').getEffectiveLevel() if log_level == logging.NOTSET: return if self.is_show_timestamp: output = str( + ": " + command else: output = command if self.command_log_level == logging.INFO: elif self.command_log_level == logging.DEBUG: logger.debug(output) def run(self, command, ignore_error_list=()): import re import thutils.common as common if common.is_empty_string(command): logger.error("null command") return errno.ENOENT self.__show_command(command) if self.dry_run: return 0 if"\(.*\)", command) is None: if not common.is_install_command(command.split()[0]): logger.error("command not found: " + command) return errno.ENOENT tmp_environ = dict(os.environ) tmp_environ["LC_ALL"] = "C" proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, env=tmp_environ) # proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, env=tmp_environ, # stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #return_code = proc.wait() _ret_stdout, _ret_stderr = proc.communicate() return_code = proc.returncode if return_code != 0: if (common.is_not_empty_list_or_tuple(ignore_error_list) and return_code not in ignore_error_list): logger.error("failed '%s' = %d" % (command, return_code)) else: logger.debug( "return code of '%s' = %d" % (command, return_code)) return return_code def popen_command(self, command, std_in=None, environ=None): self.__show_command(command) if self.dry_run: return None if environ is not None: tmp_environ = environ else: tmp_environ = dict(os.environ) tmp_environ["LC_ALL"] = "C" process = subprocess.Popen( command, env=tmp_environ, shell=True, stdin=std_in, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) logger.debug( "Popen: command=%s, pid=%d" % (command, return process